Kinderfield-Highfield builds a responsible-to-life culture in school by implementing the nine characters; Aware . Committed . Autonomous . Controlled . Risk-Taking . Mature . Dependable . Sociable . Sustainable . Kinderfield-Highfield builds a responsible-to-life culture in school by implementing the nine characters; Aware . Committed . Autonomous . Controlled . Risk-Taking . Mature . Dependable . Sociable . Sustainable . Kinderfield-Highfield builds a responsible-to-life culture in school by implementing the nine characters; Aware . Committed . Autonomous . Controlled . Risk-Taking . Mature . Dependable . Sociable . Sustainable . Kinderfield-Highfield builds a responsible-to-life culture in school by implementing the nine characters; Aware . Committed . Autonomous . Controlled . Risk-Taking . Mature . Dependable . Sociable . Sustainable . Kinderfield-Highfield builds a responsible-to-life culture in school by implementing the nine characters; Aware . Committed . Autonomous . Controlled . Risk-Taking . Mature . Dependable . Sociable . Sustainable . Kinderfield-Highfield builds a responsible-to-life culture in school by implementing the nine characters; Aware . Committed . Autonomous . Controlled . Risk-Taking . Mature . Dependable . Sociable . Sustainable .


Sekolah Kinderfield di Depok, pendidikan berkualitas untuk anak-anak Watch Video

What's Up?



Registration starts on September 7, 2024 for level: Pre-School, Kindergarten and Primary School


(tc apply)



Pre-school & Kindergarten

November 9, 2024


Cambridge checkpoint

cambridge checkpoint kinderfield highfield

We are moving to our new building as of the new academic year 2025/2026.

Kinderfield Highfield School Slide 1 Image


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Kinderfield Highfield School Client 1

Antonius Yopri D & MLC.Hanny N.R- Parents of Pieter Chirrillo G.H

"We believe it was the best decision to choose Kinderfield as our children's school. In Kinderfield, my child learns to be independent and responsible. We are so proud. The teachers are also very informative and helpful. As parents, we can contact them and ask them about the progress of our son, even though it is not progress report session. It is good that Kinderfield facilitates good communication between parents and teachers, which we believe it can support the children."

Kinderfield Highfield School Parent Students 2

Deddy Lisan- Parents of Kenzo Aimar Lisan

"Communicating has never been a problem for our child, Kenzo Aimar Lisan. He is very good at using language from a very early age. Aware of his potential, we determined to find a school that can maximize the potential of this child. Choice fell on Kinderfield Depok. Proximity to the location of residence certainly plays a big role. In addition, we believe that the approach used by Kinderfield can enhance our child's abilities. His English vocabulary increases and it makes him grow in confidence to communicate well in English at school and interact with his friends."

Kinderfield Highfield School Parent Students 3

Inka Nadya- Mommy Mikhaira Kimmy

"Alasan saya memutuskan Kimmy untuk bersekolah di Kinderfield karena kurikulumnya sesuai dengan sekolah Kimmy sebelumnya di TK, jadi tinggal meneruskan saja untuk primary nya. Sebagai orangtua juga saya bahagia sekali karena semenjakmasuk Kinderfield Primary Kimmy menjadi pribadi yang mandiri, kuat, disiplin dantidak menyerah. Perubahan-perubahan positif yang terjadi kepada Kimmy membuat Kimmy menjadi lebih bertanggung jawab atas semua perbuatan dan perkataannya. "

Kinderfield Highfield School Parent Students 4

Atilla Sativa Siregar- Mommy Malika

"Pilihan KDF untuk Malika adalah pilihan yang tepat bagi kami. Pada awalnya kami memiliki sedikit ketakutan untuk memasukkan anak kami ke sekolah swasta. Kami takut anak kami akan menjadi anak yg sombong. Akan tetapi yang kami lihat sekarang jauh dari ketakutan kami. Malika tetap menjadi anak yg humble. Kemajuan dalam berbahasa inggrisnya juga sangat pesat (Malika dari TK yang tidak menggunakan bahasa inggris). Selain itu pola kedisiplinan semakin tertanam didalam diri Malika."


Sekolah Kinderfield - Highfield percaya bahwa setiap anak berhak tumbuh dan belajar dalam lingkungan yang aman, mengayomi dan penuh kasih sayang

Kinderfield - Highfield School believes that every child has the right to grow and learn in a safe, nurturing, and loving environment.

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Menjadi sekolah unggulan yang memberikan pendidikan dan pengajaran yang berkualitas guna membangun siswa menjadi seorang yang bertanggung jawab atas hidupnya

To be a leading school that provides quality education and learning environment in shaping a responsible-to-life generation


Memberikan pendidikan yang berkualitas

To provide quality education

Menyediakan program dan kurikulum yang inovatif

To provide innovative programs and curriculum for preschool to secondary school age children

Membentuk pembelajar yang berkesinambungan dan mandiri

To shape the children to be independent and life long learners

Membangun individu yang komunikatif, pemikir kritis dan memiliki kepedulian terhadap sesama dan lingkungan

To build communicative, critical thinkers and caring individuals

Mendidik pemimpin masa depan yang berkualitas

To educate the children to become quality future leaders

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Tujuan Sekolah(Schools Goals)

Menjadi sekolah unggulan yang memberikan pendidikan berkualitas

Becomes a leading school that provides quality education

Peserta didik memperoleh pendidikan yang berkualitas melalui program dan kurikulum yang inovatif

Students acquire quality education through innovative programs and curriculum

Setiap warga sekolah menjadi individu yang bertanggung jawab terhadap kehidupannya, mandiri, dan memiliki kepedulian yang tinggi terhadap sesama dan lingkungan

Each member of the school community becomes an individual that is responsible to his life, independent and caring for others and for the environment

Setiap warga sekolah menjadi pembelajar seumur hidup, berpikir kritis dan mampu memecahkan masalah dengan bijaksana

Each member of the school community is a lifelong learner, has high critical thinking and problem solving skills

Terciptanya proses pembelajaran yang efektif dan bermakna serta penyaluran minat bakat siswa melalui sarana dan prasarana sekolah yang mendukung

Attainment of an effective and meaningful learning process as well as the actualization of students interests and talents through supportive school facilities and infrastructure

Peserta didik mampu berkompetisi di era globalisasi dan teknologi informasi

Students are competitive in the era of globalization and information technology

Berprestasi dalam bidang akademik dan non-akademik.

Excel in academic and non-academic areas

Setiap warga sekolah menjadi teladan di masyarakat dan siap menjadi pemimpin yang berkualitas dan berakhlak mulia

Each member of the school community becomes a role model in society and is ready to become a leader of noble and quality

Struktur Sekolah(School Frameworks)

Kurikulum Inti: Pencapaian akademik terbaik untuk siswa

Core Curriculum: students academic excellence

Pengembangan Siswa: Pengembangan karakter dan pencapaian kepemimpinan

Students Development: Responsible to Life character, leadership & behavior awareness

Kebiasaan Berpikir: Pemikir kritis dan pengambil keputusan yang bijaksana

Thinking Behavior: critical thinker and wise decision maker

Program Minat dan Bakat: Kepercayaan diri dalam aktualisasi diri

Talent Program: confidence in self-actualization

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Features and Facilities

Our priority at Kinderfield Highfield is to give the best facility and environment for the children to experience the best during their most important phase of their education and their life.

Kinderfield Highfield environment employs very strict No Bullying and No Harassment policies, and the premises integrate a sophisticated CCTV system to provide tools for our teachers and inhouse guards to enforce them.

Spacious area - Court - Comfy and Bright classroom - Wide alley - Indoor hall - Mushalla - Clinic - Library - Computer lab - Learning center - Cafetaria - Sound barrier wall - Basement carpark - CCTV and Security system

Learning Program


1. Language & Literacy

2. Mathematics

3. Art Exploration

4. Physical Education

5. ICT (Computer)

6. Mandarin

7. IBL


1. Exercise of Practical Life

2. Sensorial

3. Language

4. Mathematics

5. Culture


1. English Language

2. Mathematics

3. Science (P3-P6)

4. Mandarin


1. Social Studies

2. Science (P1-P2)

3. Computer

4. Physical Education

5. Personal Development

6. PBL Project

7. Music & Art


1. Religion

2. Bahasa Indonesia

3. PKn

4. Bahasa Sunda


1. English First Language

2. English Literature

3. Mathematics

4. Biology

5. Physics

6. Chemistry

7. Sociology

8. Economics

9. Business Studies

10. Art

11. Design Technology


1. Personal Development

2. Project Based Learning

3. Chinese Language

4. Physical Education

5. Music


1. Pendidikan Agama & Budi Pekerti

2. Bahasa Indonesia

3. PKn

4. Bahasa Sunda



Jl. Margonda Raya No. 10. Depok, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

ph. 021 7720 1427 / 0811 1469 998




Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No 72. Depok, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

ph. 021 2207 2600 / 0858 1766 2711



WhatsApp kinderfield Highfield School Depok
Pre-school & Kindergarten Primary & Secondary